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Multiple Smithing Techniques


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This is my first post and I thought I would point out something I think is missing from the game.

My idea would be a Smithing perk that would come after you have mastered all the other perks, called "Multiple Techniques".

It seems to me, that if you knew how to build every type of Armor & Weapon in Skyrim that you would be able to blend some of those techiques to make variations to suit your taste and needs.


This would alow you to take the "look and style" of a one class of Weapons/Armor and mix it with the indgredients of another class of Weapons/Armor.


Example: You like the style of the Glass Armor but want the abilities of Ebony Armor.

You take the Glass Armor @ the workbench and add 5 x Ebony and 3x leather strips (what it costs to build a new Ebony Armor) and create a new hybrid Armor that would have the style of the Glass Armor but the color and stats of the Ebony Armor (meaning it would be Heavy Armor and have the rating of Ebony Armor).


I think this would accomplish two things:

It would create a ton more variations of weapons and armors in game. Allowing for more characters choices.

It would create a more believable in-game "immersion". If you have a certain character, it would allow you to choose more appropriate gear for that character with out losing the high end stats that we all want.


Orginally I had thought this would work best using a lower class weapon/armor mixed with a higher class weapon/armor, but re-thinking it that would limit any variations on the Dragon Scale/Bone and Deadrik classes. So now it I think it should be the style of weapon/armor that you start with mixed the ingredients of the weapon/armor that you want to change the color and stats to.

Edited by blacknumbe13
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