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Searching for Modders With Experience With Heightmaps


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Since my Empire Wasteland mod had many issues in terms of unfixable bugs, I thought I'd try a go at making a larger scale mod for Fallout 4. Although my NV mod is my pride and joy, I did everything by myself and it was probably not the most appropriate way to teach myself how to use the GECK. Nevertheless, I'm more experienced now and want to tackle the same task on the most recent game So heres the deal...


What I am looking for:

  • someone who can make Heightmaps from scratch that will not cause cells to break in game (that was the repeated issue when I tried several times)

Whats it for?

  • Im looking to make a large scale mod similar to my Empire Wasteland mod (several factions, side quests, new lands, new weapons, etc.)
  • If you want to know ore please message me as I've not worked out the full backstory as I did with the last, but the location will be along the Jersey Shore.


PS. I'm not giving up on the FNV mod if anyone is curious. It has many issues/bugs and I know it cannot compete with projects like "The Fronteir", so I'm taking some time away from it until I can truly spend some time focusing on it.

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