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Need help with ctd


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Hey all,


I need help with the help of Skyrim Ultimate Modding Guide graphics i started to mod my game.

And i followd it all to the bone read each mod how to install + all the tools and stuff.


But when i join the game it works as long i stay in the erea of the alternate start ( mod ) as long i stay in the prisson nothing hapens and all the mods work. but the moment i talk to the statue choose my path and sleep i start to load and ad the end of the load my game crash.


Here is my load order, skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini:



I have tried it with and with out DynDOLOD but same problem, any 1 know how to fix the ctd.

And if u need more info ask and i give.


greets headhunter

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I tried this too, quite recently infact. DynDOLOD can be very tricky to install, make sure it is one of, if not the last thing you install. It's also important to make sure that you have the correct billboards (LOD textures) installed and that you run TES5LODGEN, this probably won't be the reason of your CTD though.


Alternate start can be buggy with some things that make changes to dialogue, I'm not sure which specific entries but if you have Realistic dialogue overhaul, or guard dialogue overhaul that you change the meta info for those two .esp files to load after alternate start.


I attempted the very guide that you are using and quite a lot of undesirable effects came. This doesn't mean that the guide is wrong, but it is big and it's a lot to take


Honestly mate, I would seriously recommend you uninstall all mods, uninstall skyrim completely and install skyrim again so that it is completely vanilla and then follow the S.T.E.P guide:




I found the guide to be much more fleshed out and contains 'step by step' instructions, it's fool-proof IMO. :)

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Well i think it have more to do with nmm then with the guide and mods, because i am now doing for the 3x time this mod pack but this time with mod organizer and i am now 75% with no ctd and this time i have made 4 save game's in difrent locations 1 in the start area 1 in a city 1 near bussy water and 1 near a harbor where its verry hard on fps but so far no ctd.


So if i can make this work this time i am going to recomand the modpack make to tell people to go for mod organizer.

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3x time is a charm now i am reinstalling this mod pack for a 3x time but this time in place of using nmm i am using mod organizer + 4 difrent places where i am ad the world map to test my installs 1 in the alternate prisson 1 in the wildernis 1 in a city and 1 near a high peak fps drop ( a dock near a mayor city ) i am 80 done with the mod pack and so far no ctd or bugs.

Sorry for the bad english.

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