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Changing your character appearance without using show race menu


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So I tried to use showracemenu command console, it is nice and all that but it seams I do not have the same colors as in begining of the game on creation screen maybe because that I am using Extended Slider Colors.

Is there anyway to fix this ?


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The only thing I can recommend is to disable the Extended Slider Colors mod until you make your changes and enable it again if you still want to use it later.


I meant that on creation screen in the beginning of the game I have the ability to use the variety of colors because of that Extended Slider Colors mod but using showracemenu console I do not have the variety that mod is offering.

So I am asking is there a possibility around this problem since I really love of my character but decided the faces is not good enough after sometime I play the character.


Ok some mod is causing this. I need to find what mod that is D:


The mod that causing this is Ancient spells.

Edited by seweryn
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