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ENB making nights pitch black


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Using Realvison ENB and nights are super dark. Some nights i cant see 5 feet in front of me with a torch. Without a torch is 100% black screen unless another light source is nearby.

Im also using ELFX if that maters. But I dont have the night time, or weather alteration tick boxes selected. So it should be just interiors?


But Disabling ENB shows a huge difference. Thus why I think it is to blame.


So is there a setting or something in the ENB menu that effects the night time brightness? Reason im asking here is because last time I fiddled with the ENB settings my game ended up looking all kinds of weird lol.

Any help would be appreciated.


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You should be able to do this in-game, bring up your ENB editor (Shift + Enter by default), there are options to increase/decrease gamma during night-time.


Failing that mate it could be mods that you've installed. I know a few that affect weather and lighting have options to make nights darker, if you've chosen a few different lighting/weather mods then it's possible you have those two mod's effects stacking or conflicting.

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if you're still having the issue and you have climates of tamriel installed, try uninstalling it and installing it again. in CoT V's FOMOD installer it has options to choose darker nights, i'd leave it at default. ELFX has this option as well I think.

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