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Kirito's armor from SAO Aincrad


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So I'm a huge SAO fan, and was messing around with porting some Oldrim earlier this morning. I came across Kirito's armor on the Steam workshop for Oldrim, so I downloaded it and converted everything over to SE. The armor is a great start, but it is pretty low res, and not so detailed. So if anyone could either make a mod for Kirito's armor set, or give me a start in the right direction as to how I could improve what's there through programs like GIMP or something? I have minimal experience modding (I've created some custom spells for internal use, but never published them) so any help could be great.

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yeah, i'm using the same armor mod too, i also made a bunch of SAO inspired followers to go with it but i don't use kirito's armor that much since the textures are really low res, i think it was ported from a PSP game or something, i'm planning on making a retexture for it but not sure when i'll actually start doing it though

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the followers? or the kirito armor retexture?

for the armor i'm definitely gonna post it once it's done but that's gonna be a long while from now since i haven't even started it yet


BUT as for the followers, i never planned on releasing it, it was originally just intended as a private mod for me and my nephew who also loves SAO

it uses ALOT of assets made by other people so it'd be very hard getting permission from all of them

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