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Creating Followers Tutorial?


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If you want to apply your follower to the current system its rather simple. If your looking to have them as well as vanilla companion thats another story and will require you script quite a bit (Or if you have created a quest for your companion duplicate the follower script and alter it to use your quest reference rather than the vanilla and provide the dialogue)


Vanilla System Requirements:


Relationship rank of 3



The DialogueFollower quest handles vanilla followers, the reason you cannot have multiple is because ReferenceAliases can only point to one object at a time, even if you modified the dialogue to allow you to initiate the "Follow me I need your help" without getting "It looks like you already have someone." it will override your current follower and they will re-evaluate their packages lacking the appropriate follower package. The ReferenceAlias contains both that god awful bow and all of the required follower packages and factions to prevent hostility. The packages are what handle the actual AI in the duration they are your follower, and those packages are only applied when they are under that ReferenceAlias.


A solution to this would be to add similar follower packages to every companion who can become a follower and have them conditioned to a quest variable.

Edited by expired6978
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