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I haven't done this, but if you are too lazy to get a good stronghold and dont want to cheat/use mods u could always go to Ald Ruhn and kill all the corprus beasts inside the Morvyn Manor. I went in at a very low level, like 2 or 3 and i didnt want to go in too deep but it looks like a pretty awesome house with a lot of space.
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People, enough of this senseless slaughter of innocent 0's and 1's. :innocent:


I personally like to use places that aren't used by anybody else, and take over them without violence. I dont like to use housing mods, thats too much like cheating.... its really anoying that buying houses or ships isnt implemented like in Daggerfall. (not to mention the horses and the carts :( )


Places that I know about :

1. There is a balmora mage quest where you are sent to a house in suran. If you choose a peaceful solution to the quest , the occupant will leave after some time.

2. I used to sleep downstairs in the mage guild in Balmora and store my stuff at cassius' place, next to the piles of moon sugar :lol: .

2. The mage guild in Ald'Ruhn has a great room with a double bed, a large chest and desk, not to mention being right next to the travel mage. I use this one now.


I bet there are some empty, locked houses just beggining to be taken over, but I like to stay legal and non-bloody.

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You also can get a free house if your character is a male and you do ahnassi's quests in peltigaid. After you do them all you get to move into her house with her (she gives you a key and every thing plus all her stuff becomes yours and it is ok to take any of it you want). There are two houses that are given to you in the game that actualy become yours, the one i just mentioned and one of the 3 house strong holds.


I like the telvani strong hold best for soreing stuff. Plus i have people who work under me there. :P

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