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Power Armour only items?

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Hi there!


Very recently started modding however in the past week I have managed to create a fully custom standalone gun and melee weapon with optional mods ect. These have all been done at a proof of concept level and as such are not very pretty.


This is mainly to let me know of my limits before I start making assets. As I have already got stuff workin in game and figured quite a bit out for myself I shouldnt need too much hand holding.


My question is how can I create a condition that restricts a weapon being equipped? For example in case this is not clear, here is some psudocode:


[Without power armour equipped]


Upon bringing up the pip boy and navigating to the weapons tab, clicking on the Power Armour only weapon will display a prompt stating that "This weapon is too heavy to lift without power armour!"


[Equipping with power armour]


Upon bringing up the pip boy and navigating to the weapons tab, clicking on the Power Armour only weapon will equip the weapon allowing for regular use.




I have found the PowerArmourPerk that activates when the player gets in however I do not know how to apply this condition upon the player requesting to equip a weapon.


Thank you for any and all help :)


- MD

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Hmm, I'll suggest following script:


Event OnObjectEquipped(Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference)

If (akBaseObject == myweapon && !(game.getplayer().isInPowerArmor()))


Debug.notification("This weapon is too heavy to lift without power armour!")




Where myweapon is your needed weapon property. I can't test this, but I am pretty sure it will work. You will need to attach this script on player alias.

Edited by shavkacagarikia
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