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わかりませんでして, えいごを はなす おねがいします. わたし は アメリカじん です. かんし を よみませ. にほんこ の がくせい です. ごめんなさい.


?? :blink:


あんお。。。 ぇめ げあ らんぁちおん ろら。。。


おっ ふぉ てぇ らつれ あぱねせ。。。。 べえん あひぇ。。。

No idea what you said there either. Damn limited vocabulary.


As for what I was trying to say... Basically;

I didn't understand, please talk in english. I'm an America, I can't read kanji. I'm a student of the Japanese language. Sorry.

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morse code is way better

.. | -.-. --- ..- .-.. -.. | ... - .. .-.. .-.. | ..- ... . | ... --- -- . | .... . .-.. .--. | --- -. | -- -.-- | -.-. .-. -.-- ... .. ... | -- --- -.. | ... . . | --. . -. . .-. .- .-.. | -- --- -.. | .. -. | - .... . | ..-. --- .-. ..- -- ...



and if you cant seem to decode it heres a translation



I could still use some help on my crysis mod see general mod in the forums


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I went to eat

~88(bye-bye): thumbsup:


り, うぇっ しょう ろば げ とぇえ。 アーメン ちれあん はう゛ぇ てぇ ぅ。。。

:unsure: Do not understand................

Don't feel too bad, in addition to myself, neither babelfish or google can really make much sense of it either.

Although the Google translation might actually work...

Resona, dental and EE my God give her ass. Amen CHIRE゛ETEE U crawl on the slick. . .

But of course, there really isn't any good translation software for Japanese. Which is why I'm actually trying to learn it.

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I went to eat

~88(bye-bye): thumbsup:


り, うぇっ しょう ろば げ とぇえ。 アーメン ちれあん はう゛ぇ てぇ ぅ。。。

:unsure: Do not understand................

Don't feel too bad, in addition to myself, neither babelfish or google can really make much sense of it either.

Although the Google translation might actually work...

Resona, dental and EE my God give her ass. Amen CHIRE゛ETEE U crawl on the slick. . .

But of course, there really isn't any good translation software for Japanese. Which is why I'm actually trying to learn it.

You like Japan?

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morse code is way better

.. | -.-. --- ..- .-.. -.. | ... - .. .-.. .-.. | ..- ... . | ... --- -- . | .... . .-.. .--. | --- -. | -- -.-- | -.-. .-. -.-- ... .. ... | -- --- -.. | ... . . | --. . -. . .-. .- .-.. | -- --- -.. | .. -. | - .... . | ..-. --- .-. ..- -- ...



and if you cant seem to decode it heres a translation



I could still use some help on my crysis mod see general mod in the forums

Good idea.. :sweat:

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You like Japan?

I've never been there, but it's a country with a rich history and a society which often seems split between traditional ways and western ways. I find it interesting. But from a language basis, it has more to do with being able to communicate with others online.

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