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Texture Swapping- Archive Invalidation?


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Okay, so I recently came back around to New Vegas after playing a lifetime's worth of Skyrim and a fully modded Fallout 3. I began gathering up all the mods I thought would bring me the same experience that I had with FWE and such and I think I did I pretty darn good job. My problem lies with my textures. You see, I'm not having the usual "What the @#$% is with these stupid red exclamation points?!" kind of problem (I know what that is and wouldn't have started this thread if that was my problem). When I load up games (new or old saves) I'll sometimes run into textures that are just wrong; like a tin can with a newspaper textures, or geckos by Goodsprings with leather armor textures. (as radical as that sounds it totally owns immersion -__-) And to top it off, upon moving my mouse while those textures are on screen or walking passed them, the models will randomly have other textures. ie. Geckos colored to look just like NMC's ground textures, or the inside of the Prospector Saloon turning into every random texture you could think of. Generally, I've just saved my game and exited, followed by a little trip to FOMM where I toggle on and off the Archive Invalidation. Sometimes this works, but generally it will fix the textures I originally saw and then mess up another group of them. This has happened to anything from creatures, NPC's, weapons, buildings and other static items.

So that's my story. Sorry that it is a little lengthy, but it's sort of a hard concept to put into words. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Edited by therocko101
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If you're trying to run New Vegas with 140+ plugins, you need to trim the fat. Some people claim to be able to handle 150-160, but most people see bizarre texture errors pop up at 140.


FO3 and the TES games can handle up to 255, but some arcane bug exists in FNV's version of the engine.

Edited by luthienanarion
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Okay so trimming down my plugin total seemed to do the trick here. Thank you very much. I've run into a new problem now though. My FPS all of a sudden is just horrible. I was getting anywhere from 40-60 fps just yesterday and now I seem to never get over 14. This is ludicrous. My machine runs a fully modded Skyrim at a solid 45 fps everywhere not to mention a host of other games. I even uninstalled all my texture packs and still got the same FPS.

Any ideas?

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