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Fix for Sophia not sobering up


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Some time ago I broke the follower Sophia's scripting, (I believe by assigning her a home through a multiple follower mod I no longer use).

I took her to an inn at one point and gave her a considerable amount of alchohol ...... great fun. But then she would just not sober up, and couldn't be dismissed ..... she would just ignore me and continue following, drunk as ever. Looking for a cure, I used the mod authors suggestion; a console command; "stopquest jjsofiadrunk". She sobered up but giving her alchohol no longer worked, she silently accepted the gift, and nothing more.

Recently I came across a suggested fix for broken NPCS; leave them in an interior cell for (I believe) 72 hours. I took her to a player home and used the proper dialogue to get her to stay there, then used the console code; " startquest jjsofiadrunk ". She got drunk and I left. When I returned some time later, she was sober. Wella, Sophia was back to her old self, accepting drinks and getting drunk, and ..... sobering up on her own. (may have had to use the get drunk command more than once, don't recall)

Edited by garthagain
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