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Faster Horse Dismounting


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Is anybody out there willing to try and produce a faster dismounting animation? The animation in question is meshes\actors\sharedkillmoves\human&horse\paired_dismount.hkx and I would like a sped-up version of it for my Better Horses mod.


I was recently using an empty HKX to cause the game to skip the dismounting animation altogether but this has caused a few glitches and I've had to abandon the approach. I'm no 3D artist, to tell the truth I wouldn't know where to start, but I'm assuming that if, instead of removing it altogether, the animation was sped-up, it would cause less glitches in the way of clipping into objects and falling through the floor.


If anyone could provide the modified animation I would be very grateful. Full credit doesn't seem enough in repayment so you'll have to let me know what else I can do.


Thanks in advance.

Edited by LtMattmoo
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