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Missing Main Menu Options

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I'm having some issues where my game will start up, and show the menu without any options. I figured it may have just had alot of mods to load, so I gave it time, but after a half hour, there was nothing. I don't think it's my load order, because LOOT didn't seem to detect any issues with it. Could it possibly be an incompatibility issue? Here's my load order:

0 0 FalloutNV.esm

1 1 DeadMoney.esm

2 2 HonestHearts.esm

3 3 OldWorldBlues.esm

4 4 LonesomeRoad.esm

5 5 GunRunnersArsenal.esm

6 6 ClassicPack.esm

7 7 MercenaryPack.esm

8 8 TribalPack.esm

9 9 CaravanPack.esm

10 a Fallout3.esm

11 b Anchorage.esm

12 c ThePitt.esm

13 d BrokenSteel.esm

14 e PointLookout.esm

15 f Zeta.esm

16 10 TaleOfTwoWastelands.esm

17 11 wsex.esm

18 12 Sexout.esm

19 13 SexoutCommonResources.esm

20 14 PackOfGuns.esm

21 15 SexoutPregnancyV3.esm

22 16 SexoutOffSpring.esm

23 17 Maternity Pack Overkill.esp

24 18 FalloutTTWquestoverhaul.esp

25 19 SexoutSoliciting.esm

26 1a Fertile Breeder.esp

27 1b NCR CF - Wsex.esp

28 1c FBCaptured.esp

29 1d FBZeta.esp

30 1e FBJade.esp

31 1f CoitoErgoSum.esm

32 20 Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.esm

33 21 kdsClothes.esm

34 22 SexoutSlavery.esm

35 23 msexBase.esm

36 24 FBDCBreeder.esp

37 25 SexoutKennel.esp

38 26 bselizabeth.esm

39 27 Lings.esm

40 28 Children of the Wasteland.esm

41 29 Shojo Race Vegas.esm

42 2a KCP.esm

43 2b VanessaFollowerNV.esm

44 2c SexoutStore.esm

45 2d More Traits.esm

46 2e NastyGirls.esm

47 2f Project Nevada - Core.esm

48 30 Kidnapped by Fiends.esm

49 31 KCP - Crucified Children.esm

50 32 UnethicalDeeds.esm

51 33 More Perks.esm

52 34 Shojo Neko.esm

53 35 TTW_NoKarmaDCFollowers.esp

54 36 TTW_StartupMenu.esp

55 37 TTW_StashPackOptions.esp

56 38 ttw_wildwasteland.esp

57 39 TTWOptions.esp

58 3a The Mod Configuration Menu.esp

59 3b Project Nevada - Dead Money.esp

60 3c Project Nevada - Honest Hearts.esp

61 3d Project Nevada - Lonesome Road.esp

62 3e Project Nevada - Gun Runners' Arsenal.esp

63 3f The Weapon Mod Menu.esp

64 40 MojaveDelight.esp

65 41 SexoutBreeder.esp

66 42 theHeroNV_1.1.esp


68 44 DoubleImpact.esp

69 45 More Perks Update.esp

Project Nevada - TTW.esp

70 46 WeaponModsExpanded.esp

71 47 wsexInnuendoNPCs.esp

72 48 TfaT2.esp

73 49 SexoutCyberKennel.esp

74 4a NorthRoad.esp

75 4b More Traits Update.esp

76 4c Alternative Start.esp

77 4d Alternate Start - Roleplayers.esp

78 4e tkEyelashesFNV.esp

79 4f tkEyelashesFNV_FemalesOnly.esp

80 50 1CazyTestEsp.esp

81 51 1nivVSLArmors.esp

82 52 1nivPNSLPatch.esp

83 53 Readius_NV.esp

84 54 Omegared99-M2081.esp

85 55 populatedcasino-medium.esp

86 56 wsex_workgirl_tryout.esp

87 57 SexoutConsequences.esp

88 58 Doctor.esp

89 59 SexoutFleshedOut.esp

90 5a Animated Prostitution.esp

91 5b Project Nevada - Old World Blues (No Cyberware).esp

92 5c SexoutPlayerSlave.esp

93 5d Alchestbreach Companion.esp

94 5e Sexout-Wear-And-Tear.esp

95 5f NCRTrooperOverhaul.esp

96 60 Neck-id Slaves.esp

97 61 msexFort.esp

98 62 BlackHawkDown.esp

99 63 PaintYourWeapon.esp

100 64 SexoutKennelShow.esp

101 65 SexoutSoliciting-DLC.esp

102 66 PlasmaSmgMK2.esp

103 67 WastelandCourier.esp

104 68 M1897.esp

105 69 CM4A1.esp

106 6a AK47.esp

107 6b MSR556.esp

108 6c 1911.esp

109 6d M14.esp

110 6e Galil.esp

111 6f KABAR.esp

112 70 Ww2K98.esp

113 71 ASVAL.esp

114 72 CompanionDe-Equip.esp


115 73 UnlimitedCompanions.esp

116 74 SexoutSS_C.esp

117 75 Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Store.LITE.esp

118 76 TwistedMinds.esp

119 77 1nivVSLArmors Cheat.esp

120 78 SexoutAnimManagement.esp

121 79 SexoutPosNew.esp

122 7a Sexout-kidnapped-by-fiends.esp

123 7b SexoutSpunk.esp

124 7c SexoutClothingEval.esp

125 7d SexoutMissMoo.esp



126 7e Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Leveled.Lists.esp

127 7f Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Honest.Hearts.Grunt.Patch.esp

128 80 weapons.of_.the_.new_.millenia.ttw_.unified.distribution.esp

129 81 FO3 Chargen Quest Overhaul.esp

130 82 SexoutTTWPregPodFix.esp

131 83 SexoutDogSexTTW.esp

132 84 AdvancedMedicalScanner.esp

133 85 Readius TTW Fix.esp

134 86 TTW CRTLF.esp

135 87 PerkEveryLevel.esp

136 88 SmallerTalk.esp

137 89 TTW Expanded DC Vendor Inventories.esp

138 8a sexoutVanessa.esp

139 8b SexoutSexAssault.esp

140 8c SexoutSexkey.esp

141 8d SexoutCheckMeOut.esp

142 8e wsex-DSI.esp

143 8f wsexInnuendoAnims.esp

144 90 zzjayHairsFNV.esp

145 91 SuperHot.esp

146 92 RevoA.esp

147 93 Paint Your Weapon - Honest Hearts Edition.esp

148 94 Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Cheat.Cabinet.esp

149 95 DWM1014.esp

150 96 TheLozza's_Gasmasks_V2.esp

151 97 NewCass.esp

152 98 A Better Veronica.esp

153 99 wsex.esp

It is alot of mods, so it might just me going a little too overboard. But if anyone has any tips, that'd be great. Spent alot of time getting these mods, it'd be a shame if I had to go to my back up DATA folder. It had been awhile since created it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Definitely too many mods. Please see the 'Smaller Plugin Cap' section of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article, which has a link to an article on how to combine some of them into "Merged Plugin" files to get under the cap. A "bashed patch" file may also help.


You might also want to see the TTW site and it's FAQ to determine if all those are compatible with TTW.


Finally, Menus are driven by XML files. Please see the wiki "HUD-UI-Menu issues" article.



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