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[LE] Estru - At a loss

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Hello all who clicked this to see what it was!

tl;dr at the bottom

I'm new to the modding side of things and want to get started with a creature mod that takes advantage of Estrus for Skyrim http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33102/?.

The basic idea is a creature that attacks and triggers a Estrus event, then it dies or simply disappears as if it transform into the Estrus Event(tentacle from a evil plant / slime for a fancy puddle / dwemer machine from a dwemer machine).

I know there are mods(not sure if they can be said here, so I won't) that use Estrus already and I have looked at them in CK to see how they work, I have not figured out how they get a Estrus event to happen.


I want to make a mod.

Can someone tell me how to add a Estrus attack to a creature and then have that creature die, or point me to a resource about Estrus that I can learn from?

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