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ENB and Realistic Lighting mod?


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I am a die hard ENB fan and refuse to even think about playing Skyrim without it. I noticed that the Realistic Lighting mod now has an ENB version also. Has anyone tried using these two mods together and if so what are your impressions of it? I would like some opinions and feedback from actual users before I mess with my ENB that I finally have just how I like it. If this makes a major improvement though I might try it out. So what's your opinion? Edited by Staind716
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May want to check this out,


starts at 1:00 for the ENB version


Thanks but the video just shows the ENB and the Realistic Lighting seperately. I was more interested in the effect of combining the two. I already use the Confident ENB which is awesome in my opinion but if combining it with the Realistic Lighting without post processor injection mod makes for an even better look I would be interested in trying it. I was just trying to see if anyone were using both and what they think of the combo.

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