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Why do so many people want to play as anime-esque characters on Skyrin


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I got my first and sufficient dose of anime with Sandy Frank's G-Force. That was enough to turn me away from anime for life. But, to each his own. You were fortunate to have 6 stations and PBS. Where I grew up in the Rockies we had KOA NBC channel 4 out of Denver (when it worked) and somewhere around 1968 or 69 they added another translator for channel 9 also out of Denver ABC (almost never worked) and no PBS ever.


This is a very silly attitude.


This is roughly equivalent to saying "I watched a crappy TV series in 1970 and it turned me off from watching any live-action America Television ever again"


You don't have to "like" anime, but anime also covers a ludicrously wide swath of genre and styles that sweeping statements about it are quite pointless.


Also, in a more general comment to the thread as a whole, it seems that "skimpy" is being used as a general identifier for "anime styled", which is very, very funny because western fantasy is notorious for art of hot girls wearing glorified metal bikinis.

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Anime turned Oblivion modding into a DISASTER. Bethesda has even said that they don't support the overflow of anime mods. I hope Skyrim doesn't go the same direction, or I'm not modding.


Either way, in my opinion, Anime is stupid. Others can like it, but I never will. If my girl is "cute," she would know how to handle herself in a fight, and not look like a cartoon. Same with my male characters, they have to be tough and wearing some really heavy armour and weilding HUGE two handed weapons.


You said almost this exact same thing in the thread referenced on the first page, and you might as well quit modding now while you can. How other people mod should not effect how you mod, you should not let the tastes of people like myself, make you quit something you want to do. You say "Anime is stupid. Others can like it", so you admit that you accept that others like it, but what good comes out of quitting modding just because part of the community has different ideas than you do, its like you leaving a government legislative body because your country isn't a single party state.


And I would also like you to give the source of Bethesda's apparent "dislike" of anime mods.

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And I would also like you to give the source of Bethesda's apparent "dislike" of anime mods.


Of course they do! Why wouldn't Bethesda just happen to have the exact same opinion as he does? Duh. Obviously!


Anyway, speaking as someone very active in Oblivion modding, I must say that it is utterly fantastic, and claims that its been "destroyed" are absolutely hilarious.


In a few years Skyrim modding will settle down and there will be a pretty peaceful coexistence.


I mean look at the conniptions being thrown over that "Lydia Adult Show" mod, while over in the Oblivion forums there are completely peaceful discussions about freaking Estrus, which would probably send most of the people complaining about Lydia doing a striptease off to an early grave.

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I am not against people using and making anime, skimpy armors and other these kind mods. But I hate it when mod that adds medieval style plate armor and sallet helmets get burrowed under anime garbage and skimpy armor mods. This happens to many lore-friendly mods or mods that get their inspiration from medieval europe. This happened at somepoint with Oblivion. After watching DarkOnes video and if changes that he spoke of are implemented. There is some hope that you can find some lore-friendly mods in SkyrimNexus. Edited by jore666
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You have to work to find mods. Even with better sorting (which absolutely is necessary, don't get me wrong) its incumbent on YOU to find the mods you want, not just complain that your personal preferences aren't being served above everyone elses.


"Lore Friendly" does not imbue a mod with special properties that make it better than something not Lore Friendly, its just another mod that will rise or fall on its merits.


And, just as a note, if you want people to respect your opinion, try not using terms like "Anime Garbage", of course, if you can't understand why this is a problem...

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