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Why do so many people want to play as anime-esque characters on Skyrin


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Nephenee this is the thread tumbling out of control. You can see all these new members coming out of the woodwork to vocalize their hatred over something they do not understand.


Guys, gals..Chill..You don't like it, don't download it. If its a popular skimpy armor mod and you don't want to see it, just don't download and use the advanced search function.


Also if any of you watched Robin's latest blog he talks about his plans to implement a new type of search feature. One where mod authors can tag their work as "skimpy" or "anime" and if you don't want to see those anymore you can completely opt out of ever seeing them.


I really don't get the big deal, sure I get irritated seeing pic after pic of peoples beauty queens, but I don't vocalize my annoyance, and when I see a mod that I think is distasteful or stupid, I don't vocalize it; because I know others like the mod or the pic and are proud of their work. I respect their opinions and beliefs.

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And as predicted from the start it would tumble out of control. This anti Asian (none western lore)is very odd and very misunderstood. These people who are the "minority" (no offence) just refuse to understand. It's one thing to dislike an art but another to be unreasonable about it which is clearly shown here. It's so bad that nexus is the topic on other websites as well and label as bigotry. That how bad this anti sentiment has become... which is a very bad rep for nexus especially for the future. It wasn't this bad before in the past... And I have been here for a while here on these forums.


I do agree with the tagging which are already in place and further will be enhanced in the coming future. But a decision will have to be made on this forum/website soon which, will have to be a hard rule sadly it seems as certain people can't act mature. You don't like a certain art don't click it! And don't express your uncanny hatred to it or be warned or banned. Constructive comments are always welcome!


It reminds me of my gaming time in eve which the same pattern is clearly here as well. In Eve online there was a group of minorities as well who wanted to cleanse the game world of all "carebears" which means all who do not actively participate in PVP (Player versus Player). If they saw you"PVE" (Plaver versus Enemy which basically means the game AI) in a corp.you would be tagged and declared war upon until basically that person would be so fed up and not return to Eve online ever!

This was raised a few times on the forums but got ignored by the creators. Which did hurt Eve online as its gaming base was larger.

Which people will disagree but yet again I was a player there for many years.


Long story short it's okay to dislike certain art that's your human right! But expressing your hatred of it and spreading the gospel of your hatred to others and, banding a crusade of epic cleansing is another! And it needs to stop!


Disclaimer: This was not meant to fan the flame. But expressing my concerns what I have been seeing for a while now!


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I find it puzzling that so many people choose to mod their characters to make them look anime-esque.


Each to their own, I'm certainly not criticizing people's actual freedom to choose how they wish to play their game, I'm simply curious as to why anime looking characters are so popular when Skyrim and TES in general are so drastically different in tone and structure from anime.


I'm not sure if androgynous men in billowy white cloaks and rabid frost trolls were ever meant to meet.....


Surely people are missing the point? Let me reiterate that I am not questioning the concept of freedom of choice just the merits of one particular style of playing.

Look everyone has their likes and i understand your question i myself dont use anime mods, but i would love to see a robotic armor or sci fi mod but i will surely tell you people wont like it, EXAMPLE) theres the medikajiit mod the creator put a gun in his mod people starting to complain // LOSS OF INMERSSION//

now i love anime i like to watched and thanks to hentai i feel a little weird when i c mods with big breated chearacters but like you i have a motto TO EACH THEIR FREEDOM. now to end your question ask yourself why everyone likes to play as female chearacters it boggles my mind i prefer to feel my inmerssion by thinking is me being BAD ASS IN skyrim . but there everyone is different.

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Well, I have tried some of the mods. Mostly just the weapons..of course it's for when I am bored, and want to break lore.

Always wondered about the anime mods. Well about the legality of it. For example can't make a mod that has music from a game/move/tv sow, etc for copy right issues. Yet someone can create a Naruto weapon and armor pack on here.

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Always wondered about the anime mods. Well about the legality of it. For example can't make a mod that has music from a game/move/tv sow, etc for copy right issues. Yet someone can create a Naruto weapon and armor pack on here.


Maybe yes, importing and creating anime item (already existent as item or acessories in anime series) can become a copyright infrangment

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I'm for keeping anime far away from my game... I wish more anime authors would team up and make a total conversion, since there are so many of them doing the same thing... A new land would be even better. just to keep it all separate. But playing normal skyrim... If you wanna spend hours making another game out of this one you might as well go play that particular game. Like how when I played Far Cry 2 people always had to make Halo maps or CoD maps. Meh. But that is something that people want to do, so whatever, doesn't mean I have to care :P
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