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The white void.


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I've seen a similar post asking how to fix this online, but with no answer. Well I found an answer after duplicating an interior and having this issue. The issue is that when I duplicated a cell a few objects would have this invisible barrier that would turn white and just work like an occlusion block and unload everything behind that object... they were ruining the interior though. So what did I do? Select the entire interior and move it. Problem solved. :thumbsup:
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Sounds more like the duplicated cells are missing teleport data from the room markers and so on. I had this very problem when i duplicated a cell to use for my own creations and i found out that the room markers was a little off compared to the old building. So you probably just moved the interior outside of the room markers? Might not be the same problem however.
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That's true, but if they are out of place and there is no portal connected you will experience a void, i experienced this once when i duplicated an cell, so i had to remove the roommarkers and make new ones with portals that fit my rooms. Remember that room markers are turned off by default unless you turn them off with the show/hide window. but as i said it might not be the same at all, could be a bug that i have yet to encounter, just wanted to put it out there :)
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