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OBSE or Oblivion Reloaded causing my game to random black screen and crash on Save/Load zones.

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I cannot play with OBSE or Oblivion Reload (not sure which one) because my game randomly will go to a black screen and crash.


My mod list is


All Natural (all componets, Real Lights, SI, Base, ESP)

Bashed Patch (idk wtf this is)





RAEVWD Imperial City




I don't have a lot of mods, I even tried the CBT ENB patch thing. I don't understand why I can't use OblivionReloaded. Here is what I have turned on/off in the ini file.


FoV = 90.0
WaterReflectionMapSize = 512
WaterManagement = 1
AnisotropicFilter = 8
FarPlaneDistance = 283840.0
ScreenshotPath = \Screenshots
ScreenshotType = 1
ScreenshotKey = 87
FPSOverlay = 0
ShaderModel3 = 1
NVIDIAPatch = 1
RendererBoost = 0
CustomEffects = 0
FrameRate = 0
SaveSettings = 1
CombatMode = 0
CameraMode = 0
EquipmentMode = 0
SleepingMode = 0
GrassMode = 1
EnableWater = 1
EnableGrass = 0
EnablePrecipitations = 1
EnableHDR = 1
EnablePOM = 1
EnableSkin = 1
EnableTerrain = 1
EnableBlood = 1
EnableShadows = 1
EnableNightEye = 0

EnableUnderwater = 1
EnableWaterLens = 1
EnableGodRays = 1
EnableDepthOfField = 0
EnableAmbientOcclusion = 1
EnableColoring = 0
EnableCinema = 0
EnableBloom = 1
EnableSnowAccumulation = 1
EnableBloodLens = 1
EnableMotionBlur = 1
EnableLowHF = 0
EnableWetWorld = 1
EnableSharpening = 0
EnableSMAA = 1





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Have you made sure you have all of the requirements for Oblivion Reloaded? The redistributable likely isn't on your computer and will require a download. Also, make sure you've made the necessary changes to the Oblivion options (HDR, etc.)


More importantly, uninstall Oblivion Reloaded first, so we can make sure OBSE is working. If it works after disabling OR, then that is your issue. If it still doesn't, then you have another issue somewhere. Read each readme and be absolutely certain you have all of the requirements installed.

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