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Generating outfit armour scaling data - Got the .sclp files down, but the .ssf files....


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In Fallout 4's Creation Kit, an outfit's armor addon looks at the outfit's .sclp and .ssf text files when importing the .sclp data. The .sclp data is easy enough to figure out; it's just a text file that contains a bunch of bones' XYZ scaling values. If the bone hasn't been changed from the vanilla scaling values, it doesn't go in the .sclp file.


Easy enough, so I made a program that can generate .sclp files from 3ds Max's ASCII text files (.ase). Export the unmodified skeleton to an .ase, modify the skeleton with the outfit and armour pieces loaded, then export the modified skeleton to another .ase.


Plunk them in the program, and 'ey presto, we got ourselves a .sclp file. The program can be downloaded from my Github: https://github.com/MajinCry/Fallout-4-SCLP-From-ASE


Now the problem is that, as far as I can tell, the Creation Kit won't import a .sclp file's data, if it doesn't have an accompanying .ssf file. And the .ssf file is a mystery to me; it's plain text in the same formatting as .sclp, but it has these bizarre bone ID's.


E.g, the female road leather armour .ssf file:

   "BaseFemaleBodyOutfit:0" : {
      "BaseBoneName" : "DISABLED",
      "DeltaBones" : [
            "BoneDeltaList" : [ 262400 ],
            "BoneName" : "LArm_ForeArm1"
            "BoneDeltaList" : [ 131328 ],
            "BoneName" : "RArm_ForeArm1"
      "uiNumDeltas" : 2
   "RaiderUnderArmorF:0" : {
      "BaseBoneName" : "DISABLED",
      "DeltaBones" : [
            "BoneDeltaList" : [ 131840 ],
            "BoneName" : "RArm_ForeArm1"

The same bone affects separate meshes in the .nif file, with it being given a different ID. For the female body mesh, The RArm_Forearm1 bone ahs an ID of 131328. But for the outfit mesh, it has an ID of 131840.



Does anybody have any info on how to determine the ID a bone should get?



Edit: After talking Ousnius, it turns out that the .ssf file is to do with decapitations, and not the bone scaling. Fabulous!


Going to see if I can get the CK's Import SCLP Data button to work. If it doesn't, guess I'll have to make another script for FO4Edit.

Edited by FiftyTifty
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Update - I'm fairly certain that the CK's SCLP importer is f*#@ed. it set a couple bones to have negative scaling, when they should have positive. The values aren't always correct either, and I'm not talking by some tiny fraction.


Been steadily working on an FO4Edit script that provides the same (fixed) functionality. Should be done within a day.

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Update - Turns out the CK's import isn't broken, I just f***ed up which bones get put in. All skin bones are meant to be inside the file, even if their scales are unchanged. The repo's been updated and is fully working now.






That's the Greaser Jacket, boys.

Edited by FiftyTifty
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Thanks for this description. Starred this repo quite soon after you started it (follow your github) but was unsure how to use it. Really appreciate your work, has made modding FO4 much more pleasant for me and many others I'm sure.


Once I get a hang of manipulating the scaling bones, I'll release it as a full blown mod. There's a discrepancy between the bone scales in game, and the scales in 3ds Max; in the above picture, you can see that the armour on the right arm is visible, albeit missing a few details. In 3ds Max, only the pauldron and the end of the wrist guard is visible.


To scale the armour, only scale the xyz values for the "_skin" bones. Do not touch anything else, and do not scale bones that aren't skin bones.


To export a proper .ase file, select the entire skeleton -> File -> Export -> Export Selected -> ASCII Scene Export.


Then use the following settings: ASE_Export.png


Export the skeleton before modifying it to get a source bones file, or use the one in the repo. Then export the modified skeleton to another .ase file. Load the program, chuck in the two .ase files, click the button, and you get a 100% correct .sclp file.

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  • 6 years later...

damn, been looking to find the source of .ssf file bonedeltalists or how to generate them, I am doing dismember ssf files for custom feral ghoul models and want to move the head decap lower down to the neck line. I need those delta ID's of jaw and neckskin bone of the feral skeleton. I was excided reading this to start thinking I had found an answer. Enven the smartest guy I know in modding was kinda just like, those are generated in ck.. BUT how? and how to create a custom one? I feel it is a 3ds max thing.

Too bad this topics so old and people like Ousnius are not really around anymore to answer questions. The simple fact they are different from mesh to outfit could be that each outfit has a specific mesh name and that mesh name hast to be correct in the ssf file, so it generates a new id, like the first numbers are the same, the last are probably sequential of each outfit in the game using that bone. Idk why Beth did it like that gos If they just named the mesh a generic name, they could use generic ssf files but it was probably for sorting of some sort.

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