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Mod Ideas


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I want to know does anyone like any of these Ideas?



1. Hunger, Thirst and Sleep Deprivation.


Add in a hunger, thirst and sleep/tired bar. When hunger bar depletes you will start to loose health. When thirst is depleted you will loose stamina, When sleep/tired bar depleted you may pass out or something. In order to keep your hunger bar and thirst bar you will need to eat 3 meals a day. Meals can consist of 1 large piece, like a cooked vension, and 2 small pieces, like a carrot and an apple. To stay hydrated 5 cups of water. Drinking water will have to be added and maybe add juices. Could also be applied to NPCs.



2. NPCs and your self able to make camps. Like you may see a group of bandits seting up tents. You can combine wood + torch = campfire, wood + leather + cotton = tent with a bedroll, and Iron can be turned into a Cooking Pot.


3. Also be able to start your own Merc company. You can recruit your friends like sven from riverwood. Add people that are looking for work or adventure to add to your company or hire as the black smith. Ranks like initiate, member, officer, then you.

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