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Arcangel II


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Karina looks around to get her bearings, wondering what in the god's name just happened. When she realizes she's on the ground, she looks for Kellian. Once she sees him, she looks around for whatever she can find to finght with. Damn, she thinks to herself, I haven't been thrown from a horse in years. I forgot how much it hurts. She does a quick assessment of her injuries as she looks for whatever weapon she can find at hand.
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June 05, 1048 30


Tilindra is startled by a shape coming up beside her. It is small, and seems to have been doing its best to remain unseen and hidden. Tilindra cannot see what it is, but can see from a part of a shadow that it is doing its best to stay out of sight. (OBS Roll 122) - (OBS - observation roll)


Kyrene, her balance somewhat impaired by her limp arm, thrusts toward the orc, losing her balance forward as she does so. The orc swings in a long arc, zeroing in on Kyrene's now defenseless left side. As she falls, she tries to keep the point of the blade up, and actually raises the blade. Her reach gets the blade to its target just before the axe would have torn into her side. The blade strike the orc flush in the face, and the weight of her falling forward pushes it up into the eyes, then through and deep into the orc's skull. The swing of the axe is abbreviated, and the crushing hit turns quickly to a glancing blow, opening a small wound on her side. As the orc collapses, it pulls the sword and Kyrene down on it. (MAR 126 CCrit100 - OMAR 105, DCrit 05)


Karath and the Orc are struggling on the ground. Karath gets the upper hand, but the strength of the orc is preventing him from driving the dagger down into the orc's throat. Quickly Karath realizes that if this is to turn into a physical struggle, he will eventually lose. (MAR 78, OMAR 55)


Morgo's next swing contacts home like few he has ever thrown. The orc has spun somewhat out of position after the last attack, and Morgo's backswing catches the orc full in the back. The resulting blow is beautiful to behold. There is a satisfying crack as the vertebrae in the mid-back region practically explode. The orc crumples to the ground, twitching uncontrollably and howling in pain. The blow does open up Morgo's back to the other orc, who gets a glancing blow in. (MAR 205, ECrit95, OMAR N/A, OMAR 102 ACrit15)


Karina is able to gain her senses, just as Kellian regains his feet. The polearm lies several feet away, and there is no immediate sign of the katana.


Zuriel and the last orc seem to be fighting a war of attrition, as neither gets an effective strike in yet again. (MAR - 45, OMAR - 32)

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Kyrene rolls to the right - off the still twitching Orc - and looks around for danger in her immediate vicinity. She grabs her sword impaled in the Orc's face and tries to wrench it free. However, the sudden movement causes her left arm and side to jostle and subsequently, she lets out a sharp hiss of pain. Spots fly across her vision momentarily. This is not good. she thinks to herself.


The sounds of the battle behind her cause her to pivot slowly and survey the carnage around her. On her right, she sees the back explode on one of the Orcs by Morgo and sees Solros standing nearby concentrating on something. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like he sees the Orc advancing on his left. Maybe Morgo can get to it before the Orc gets Solros. In a desparate attempt to get his attention, she screams:



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Seeing Karath's struggle, the Cerboean launches his Lesser Lightning Bolt at the head of the Orc that is wrestling with Karath.


Then he focuses his attention at the nearby orc with the boarspear. Seeing that it is in a good position to attack either himself or Morgo, the Cerboean decides to get the Orc's attention, so that Morgo may attack unhindered.


"HEY YOU!" he shouts at the Orc (in it's language if he can guess what it is, and can speak it) and at the same time quickly picks up and throws his staff at the Orc, trying to hit the target more than damage it.


Then stepping back the Cerboean assumes a fully defensive (max parry) position, standing sideways to the Orc, sword-arm held close to the body, left arm extended outward to counter-balance the sword.

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Damn, Karina thinks. I much prefer the katana on foot. She heads to where the polearm is and retrieves it, calling Kellian to her as she goes. If she can, she looks to make sure that Kellian is not favoring a leg and looks in good health. She then looks to mount him and look over the battlefield from her elevated position.
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June 05, 1048 0904 40


The Cerboean's lightning bolt goes off properly, but the results are not quite what he was thinking of. The orc stiffens as the bolt reaches him, as does, however, Karath. As they both relax after the jolt, the orc's resistance fades for just a second, and the knifepoint punches through the skin of his throat, followed by a gurgling sound as dark blood pours out of the orc's mouth. Karath then leaps off the fallen orc, almost unaware that it is dead. (MSR 115, RR(orc) 15, RR(Karath)56, MAR 106, CPuncCrit 66)


Kyrene takes a couple of steps before deciding that it would be better not to. Her arm goes from numbness to excruciating pain as the adrenalin that had been keeping her going wears off.


Kellian comes over to Karina, and nuzzles her, almost in a gesture to make sure she is all right. Karina is able to hop up on the apparently fine Kellian, and she can see pretty much the whole field from there.


Morgo and the orc with the spear are ready to square off. In some fancy work, neither are able to get in any telling blows. the orc appears to be quite proficient in the close in fighting with his weapon, deftly using it to parry the heavier axe and still feint and jab with it enough to keep Morgo from closing inside the point of the spear. (MAR 55, OMAR 22)


Zuriel and the final orc continue their defensive dance, each parrying almost more than attacking. (MAR (full parry) 23, OMAR(full parry) 41)


Tilindra once again notices something moving along the rock. It is small, smaller than an orc, and it freezes everytime Tilindra looks that way.

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Karath steaies himself and prepares to attack the orc as it rises, then notices one simple fact: it's dead. Checking himslef over quickly he examines the field. Seeing Kyrene over whelmed by three Orcs.

Moves closer and if ever an opening shows itself he makes an instant prayer to any gods he can think of that it will fly true, then chucks his dagger at the orc he's cited.

If no opening makes itself clear he trys to slip around back of them and either plant a dagger in a back, or throw his dagger from there.

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As the adrenaline wears off, Kyrene realizes that it would be a really bad idea for her to continue on in this skirmish. Her skin turns the color of parchment and she falls to her knees, clutching her injured arm.
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