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Arcangel II


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June 05, 1048 0905 00


Solros examines the arm carefully. Just about any movement at this point causes Kyrene's face to blanch and she fights to keep from passing out. He determines that it is a clean break, and that a simple splinting will help in the recovery process, but without herbs or some true bone-mending magic, it will be several weeks before the arm is useful again. (Solros - diagnostics (MAR - 111) (MAR can also be modified activity roll)


Karina and Kellian are surprised by the orc's speed, as it reaches the woods easily, and they must plow through the woods to follow.


The small leather pouch contains a couple of things

  • 4 bronze coins
    some dried moss
    flint and steel

Tilindra's spell wears off, and she hears a gasp from the rocks near her.

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"I think I'm OK for that actually" Morg replies with a chuckle.


"We have to get that arm seen to quickly, I know what something like that can do and we must be cautious."


"I wouldn't mind the stone though. I feel I can do something useful with that. Also, I think that we should rest. One orc won't do us too much damage for the time being. If he calls any enforcements then that's their problem... not ours!"

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Linden looks up when Karath mentions the moss. "Morgo, if you want the moss, feel free to take it. I doubt that the orc carried it for decoration. I'm guessing it might have medicinal value. We can ask Merionia when we return to town. But first, we need to see if Julie is nearby or dead. And we should rest, but not near these bodies. Scavengers will come soon and I'd rather not be around when they get here."


She winces and cradles her arm protectively. She looks up at Solros, "Can you bring me a few sticks the length of my forearm? I'd like to get a splint on this as soon as possible. Then we should find a place to make camp."

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June 05, 1048 0906


After a few moments, Kellian and Karina return at a slow trot.


There is plenty of material around to find for what Kyrene was asking for.


From by where Tilindra is hiding, a small figure comes out from his hiding place in the shadows. It is a small boy, about eight or nine years old. His clothing is much too small for him, and he is dirty almost beyond recognition as a human child.


"Excuse 'e, 'iss." He says in common with a broken accent that isn't identifiable, "can I co' wit ye'. I's very tired." He holds his right hand out toward Tilindra, practically begging for it to be taken.

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Solros gathers the necessary materials and constructs a splint for Kyrene. "When the bone has healed up a little, I might be able to help it with my powers... Just let it grow together - and I'll be able to repair it somewhat then."
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Karina returns with an air of triumph. "No more reiforcements due to that one." She says. She looks around to see if there is anything she can do. Spotting the group around Kyrene, she rides over.


"What's the diagnosis, Solros? She asks. I have some herbs that I do not know the meaning of, if you can use them, they're yours."

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Kyrene looks up at Karina and smiles tiredly. " I appreciate the offer for the herbs, but I'd rather not experiment... with... them...


She stops talking as she looks over towards the bushes beyond her.


"Who is that over there?" nodding towards the child.

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Karina dismounts and comes in close to Kyrene. "Perhaps Solros or someone else here will know what to do with them." Karina pulls out a pouch with a roll of cloth in it. As she unrolls it carefully on the ground, several types of herbs show themselves, neatly packed in the cloth.
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