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Arcangel II


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Taking as much of the the stench for as long as she can, Kyrene stumbles out of the hut and takes long gasping breaths of fresh(er) air. Once she has caught her breathe, she looks around and goes to join the rest of the party.
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June 05, 1048 0956


Karina is able to flip one of the top boards off of the hutch. A shriek follows, and she can see movement within the tiny structure.


Kyrene and the party from the hillside approach the hutch, though they will not get there for some time. They will pass a couple of bodies ont he way, though.


The Ceboean finds pretty much what the others did - dead and decaying orcs. In one of the huts, he does see something reflect a glint of sunlight as he moves slightly in the opening. (Cerboean - observation 215)

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June 05, 1048 0957


As the Cerboean enters, the stench of rotten flesh is everywhere.


The Cerboean's height helps, as he is able to pull down some of the thatching that is long-past needing replacement. As he does, a small object falls to the ground, landing at his feet. It is a small, silver pendant, intricately crafted and delicate in design. The glint he saw before now is readily apparent. It seems to be coming from a knifeblade of some kind trapped beneath the putrefying corpse of an Orc.

(Cerboean - RR 105, observation roll 94, observation roll 115, 57exp)

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June 05, 1048 0959


Karina's demand is met with a mild whimper. "I am sorry. I will not do it again. I won't hide again." A small girl stands up from the structure. Her initial look of terror turns to relief when she sees Karina astride her horse. "Aren't you afraid of the orcs?" She asks, then looks around and sees none. "Did they all go away?" (Karina - +25 exps)


The Cerboean finds nothing else of interest anywhere. It becomes apparent to him that this was a battle camp of some type, probably housed and held upwards of a hundred orcs at some time, but that it has fallen on hard times and obviously disuse. The lack of any supplies anywhere show just how far this camp has fallen. (Cerboean - observation - 189, tactics 105, +40 exps)

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