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I feel dumb for asking...

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But how do I make a 'fetch' quest for an in-game item?

I am making an NPC that wants BoS_Holotag's in exchange for (quest reward.)

I found tutorials on-line for creating unique items... I wanna know how to have him take X-many BoS_Holotag


A) Do I just assign some kind of alias to the quest for the BoS_Holotag (if so, how?)

B) Upon quest completion, how would I get the quest to remove the X many holotags from the player inventory.
-- I got "Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(BoS_Holotag)" but how do I have him remove the proper number?



Thanks in advance for the advice.
And sorry for being such a noob.

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Have you checked creation kit wiki? Both of your answers are answered there.







If they are just generic Bos_holotags, you can have condition in your quest dialogue to check if player has enough of them. GetItemCount bos_holotag >= 10 Run on player


Then, you can just remove them all in a fragment:

int holocount = PlayerRef.GetItemCount(bos_holotagProperty)

PlayerRef.RemoveItem(bos_holotagProperty, holocount)

Game.GivePlayerCaps(10 * holocount)

Or something like that. I didn't test it, it might have some errors but the idea is there.

Edited by vkz89q
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