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Mounted Combat Activators


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Not sure if this mod already exists, been looking around, and found one for Oblivion ( http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=8962 ) but haven't managed to find one for Skyrim yet. I did a bit of research, and it seems as if making a full on combat mod from horse back, such as being able to draw one's bow take aim, and fire, or to swing a sword like when not on horseback would be a nightmare, and so that's fine. I'm not really asking for the sort of mod that would require a fully staffed game developing team, I am just sick or riding my horse, minding my own business, and then suddenly having wolves or bandits pop out of no where and start attacking me, requiring me to stop my horse take the time to get off, and wait for the reticle to appear which means I have fully dismounted, dispatch the foes often with a single swing (which is somehow more annoying...) then get back on my horse and continue on, just to be attacked mere moments later by the same set up.



I mean sure, maybe it's not that big a deal, I just find it extremely annoying after a while. I mean seriously, these bandits burst out of the woods, and say they want my money and all, and you know what, if that's really all they wanted, I would give it to them! Really! They want a few septems, fine, I don't care! I have like a billion of em, they can have as many as they want just so long as they don't make me dismount from my horse. (It's like they still have a grudge against me or something for that time I wiped out countless of their friends and family in all those caves and bandit camps, so I could make a hundred septims or so from Proventus...)


So really if there was any sort of way we could set up some sort of mod that allows me to either Dragon shout from horseback or cast some sort of spell, trample damage, even some sort of activator I can key bind on my num pad enabling me to blow them a way so I can be on my way, I would be estatic.


Thank you for your time.

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I have been hoping for this in Skyrim, being an actual horseback rider. I figure the easiest thing to do would be to implement it in stages, starting out with the most basic of things, the Shouts. I'm not quite sure how the game considers you when "mounting" horses, though, and I noticed some issues with riding (you can't back a horse up, so don't get caught on a narrow pass...). Also I imagine animation issues and the possibility of hitting your horse (not just with an arrow to the knee) but with certain abilities.
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