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Outlines for some ideas.


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npcs gain affinity for a player. but can the effect of a strong affinity really be justified as one dimensional if the sources are theoretically multi-variable?
why would it not be that love/peace more often could be used to solve a need for battle?
would be cool if the generic npcs slowly acquired a unique personality after joining your team.
every town should have npcs with access to new areas outside of town. and npcs
outside of town should have access to new areas inside of town.
(think looting their keys)
shouldn't the scientist lab npcs value the loot you throw on the ground? especially
the more interesting loot you looted from actual labs in other locations?
could be a simple calculation of how much interesting loot is on ground then
they offer to buy it up and slowly you earn a reputation with them of some sort.
why is it you can never negotiate your way out of a battle with a plain bribe?
some npcs should surrender and offer to join your team. but maybe based on your
luck and charisma will try to steal from you and run off during night first time you
use your bed.
why is it tides of battles aren't filled with participation of neutrals and friendlies
more often? where they then turn on you if you killed someone they didn't want you to.
if you could have a team of stragglers. shouldn't they try to overthrow you
and challenge you to do battle in combat zone? price is they get your key to
one of your private homes or get to be mayor of one of your settlements that you
then have to take back.
companions especially from certain factions should sometimes lead you to a trap (on purpose) but otherwise
to a legitmate finding leaving you paranoid.
shouldn't you be able with high enough charisma, luck, and leadership perks
talk anyone in the game out of their profession and into another?
(the effects of this is the more or less physical adeptness at the skills for the job undermines or helps a community)
shouldn't companions bring back some enemies who escaped in a past mid battle
and throw them down cuffed/tied up and ask you what should be done? kill them?
(discovered event upon waking up)
shouldn't player be able to barter their way out of a situation or barter/bribe npcs to leave
an area so player can easier loot/scavenge?
barter proposals could be triggered similarly like how v.a.t.s is triggered.
+barter could even turn into a request to do a simple procedural fetch quest.
(note you are only given a few minutes alone in an area after a completed tradee as it wouln't make sense
any group would totally want to leave)
why don't more npcs quit or change professions naturally? this would be normal in many-a community.
bring in true unconsciousness so npcs can be knocked unconscious for a couple minutes. (laying down)
let player drag conscious but down bodies a distance. ditto for unconscious.
a drug should be usable that knocks the resting position of an essential into a full unconscious state.
make it so every npcs can be thrown off a building easily. maybe in a couple different dramatic ways. if they are "essential" when they hit the ground
they remain unconscious for multiple game hours. letting you be more free to carry out your plans.
how about recruitment pools where the people you rescue or who join your team, get to sit, but over time get on with their lives and become harder to recruit back into use. game could inform you statistically on how that's going to take per person. allowing even more strategy.
(note recruitment pool limited up to 20 )
shouldn't settlers be recruitable? maybe have them develop a personality profile from their experiences of being in your settlement including resource limits, and other conditions like how often you got attacked.
why don't our companions freely gain funds and dedicate to their own arbitary equipments they want to test out?




I understand some mods flirt with a few of these ideas or is probably on someone's todo list already. But I feel this set together would greatly increase my fun and options playing this Fallout.

Edited by IRUseDrug
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