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Elemental Fury bug fix


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Hello everyone


Can someone please make a REAL fix for this annoying bug?This bug is rather annoying for people who play as warrior since its probably the best shout for this class. For those who are not familiar with the bug check this out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1g0pWVs9fs . I have searched skyrimnexus and found one mod that replaces the sound of the shout with silence, but the animation of the shout is still stuck on the left hand weapon. There are some temporary fixes for this bug like : turning into a werewolf, using the command sexchange, being knocked out by fusroda and completing the main quest but no permanent solution yet. I hope someone will be able to fix this so people can enjoy elemental fury again :)

Edited by hamza22
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I cant believe no one is interested in fixing this bug o_O . There are mods on SN which fix minor bugs like the solitude house ( forgot the name ) and some minor quest bugs, so i guess IT is possible to fix this. The only thing people here talk about is how to make skyrim bigger,harder and more beautiful but no one is actually talking about fixing the already existing bug infested skyrim. WTF is this?? I thought the top priority for the community would be to repair skyrim as much as possible ( which was bethesda's responsibility not the community's ) before making any other modifications to the game :( . Well i guess having dragon mounts, cooler looking weapons and a hogwarts castle ( wtf? ) is much more important than fixing the game.

Edited by hamza22
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