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Simple placement issue not fitting!


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Hey so I have been following the Tuts on Youtube that Betha have uploaded.


And I have a massive issue. The mid parts to not fit with the Wall parts. not the floor areas but the celling areas There is a gap.


I have


NorRmSmMid01 with a NorRmSmWallFront01


And where they join on the celling there is a gap. Its strange. that it happens with mine and not with Bethas I have copyed it 100% I am sure.


I can upload a pic if that would help!


i have uploaded it to Image Shack hopes thats ok.

I could not find any rules on it.


Image Shack Link to the issue

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Do you have angle snap on? Is the grid snap set to 128 units and angle snap set to 45?

If yes and it still doesn't work, try pressing Shift and Q, then clicking on one of your pieces with the new cursor. With grid and angle snap turned on, everything should try to align with the piece you selected.

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I have both the snaps things on. How do I see what it is set too?


I will give Shift Q a try.



Also I have just tryed out my mod and only one NPC is there. the rest seem to have vanished. I had a lot of Skelatons in the mod and all of them are gone. and the lvlwarlocks have also gone, alll but one. Any ideas?



Thanks for the help!



Just gave the Shift Q ago and nothing happens when I click on the wall. Or if I click on the floor when i have the wall selected.


The floor bit is perfect, its just that the two parts don't seem to match so theres a gap but since its from Betha Tuts then I assume that it should work.


Also annoying about the NPCs vanashing!



Ok another update, I just gave the mod another go and a lot of the NPCs fall from the sky once I use CoC not all of them but some, and they are dead. What could this be? All other NPCs that did not nit the floor are still missing. In some rooms there is one or two of the NPCs dead in the area.

Edited by Loki180
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I have used the Mid, Side, and wall. But I still get the gap. I can show a pic in game if that would help.


I know, I will list the room so it goes


NorRmSmWallFrontExSm01 From that on either side there is NorRmSmWallFront01. Connected to those two are two NorRmSmCorIn01 That is pretty much the outline of the room. Its a normal 4 sided room. But when I add the

NorRmSmMid01 to fill in the floor. Where the celling meets the Wall there is a gap. its very strange I don't see a reason why it would not work.

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You must use both SmWallFront and SmWallSide for a complete room. Front for north and south walls, Side for left and right, or vice versa. If you did this correctly and the mid ceilings still have seams, delete all but one of the floor pieces, then rotate it (with snap on) so that it fits correctly with the wall, then just duplicate that piece to re-fill the room.
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