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Strange problem with barter...


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I recently got a new computer and installed Morrowind: GOTY edition on it. Everything is working fine except for one thing. When bartering, my mouse will no longer increase or decrease the barter amount continuously. If I hold the button down, the price will increase or decrease by one and just stay there, as if it were a single mouse click.


I'm using the same operating system (XP with SP2) and mouse as I was on my old system. My system reports that the mouse drivers are up to date, and I have attempted to use another mouse, but the result was the same. I have also re-installed the program twice, and the result is the same.


Has anyone else experienced this? I get the feeling this isn't connected to the mouse itself, since no mouse will work properly. I was hoping there might be a mod out there that lets you enter a specific amount rather than using the plus/minus system, but have not found any yet. It's not a show-stopper. It's just extremely annoying. Any help would be appreciated!

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  • 5 years later...

I've exactly the same problem, the only difference for me is, that I am using Win7 64bit instead of WinXP. I've also tested this without using any mods, but no change.


Also, I've noticed that when bartening with merchants added through mods, there are no problems increassing or decrassing the gold amount by holding down the mouse botton. It seems affecting only the standard game merchants.

Is there any sulution for this issue?


Edit: I've solved the issue by myself. The game makes some trouble when running with more then 75fps for some reason. Since I'm using a 120Hz display, I had my FPS limiter always on 120fps + vsync on. I've changed this through the nvidia profile (with nvidia inspector) to limit the fps for Morrowind with 75fps but yet vsync is on and now it's running without problems when bartering with the buttons.

Edited by Labada
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