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Where is Radun castle ?


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I cannot see a marker on the map and I could not find the location mentioned on the mod page. The images do not show enough of the exterior to show the location. I have searched the forums but no

mention of it.



Pat Hagar

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From the mod description:


This settlement is located down the road from Fort Greymoor. You won't miss it. It is literally right beside it. The main gate will be locked and the only way to get in is to follow the instructions in the letter attached to it. If you have achieved the terms of the letter you will have no problem getting in. There is no other way into the castle except through the front gate.

To give you a general direction, from Fort Greymoor, just follow the road south and you'll see a castle hiding within a forest not too far away.

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From the mod description:





This settlement is located down the road from Fort Greymoor. You won't miss it. It is literally right beside it. The main gate will be locked and the only way to get in is to follow the instructions in the letter attached to it. If you have achieved the terms of the letter you will have no problem getting in. There is no other way into the castle except through the front gate.


To give you a general direction, from Fort Greymoor, just follow the road south and you'll see a castle hiding within a forest not too far away.

Thank you for the help. I was going the wrong way to the north from Graymoor..

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