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Castle, King and Army


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I would like to see an option to have a castle that is filled with NCP's, house carls, guards, maids etc..., that all refer to you as king. But when you get the castle, you get the option to pick the amour that your guards would use. But you would also get an actual crown for a male and amour to match that of the guards but slightly different to make you look better. You would also have the option to bring an army of 50 - 100 ncp's to follow you into battle, hope that there would be another castle that you can go to war with. lol.


Oh, and if you marry someone, they are reffered to as queen by the ncp's.

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good idea but let's be realistic, having so much people following the player is quite difficult to do, many many pc may be unable to support that many npc actively fighting, at least mine with anything above 50 active npc will start screaming, ifyou go in battle with 100 npc behind you and 100 enemies the numbers start to be too much
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I totally agree with this, except for the part about have so many people follow you, all I see there is trouble in the gaming world. But yeah, a sweet castle with people is at the top of my wish list! And I love the idea of choosing your guards armor if it's possible
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Maybe not large armies but the same size assault troops you see during the quest line for Imperial or Stormcloak. But I like this idea, you can be a jarl your self. I could design the Fort or city in CK if someone can do models and...well....everything else. Edited by Jah92pizza
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Yes. You guys are correct. 50 -100 followers is to many for the game to handle. So 10 - 15? I wish I new how to make this without effort but unfortunately at this time I don't have the skill or time to work on something like this because of work/kids. But it would be great if someone did.




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This would be an interesting mod to do, but the bigest look over in your description is that almost all the community plays a female character, and/or marry a character of the same gender, but it would be very interesting to see the completed project, 5 years from now, if we go on the same track as oblivion for releasing mods
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