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Help with poisons: Skyrim Creation Kit.


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I've been looking to create a mod focused around the use of Poisons. The idea I am currently working on, however, has me stumped.


I'd like to create a poison that, after paralyzing and killing its victim, resurrects it as a frenzied thrall. Basically, I want to create a potion that will turn NPCs into Zombies. However, I don't know how I would particularly go about this. I don't know where to start, really, or where to go.


Any help would be extremely appreciated. Thanks.

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Are you familiar with creating scripts? You can use scripts to do this, perhaps in combination with multiple magic effects.

An idea:
Create one magic effect that paralyses the victim,
One other that does damage, so that you kill the victim.
Add both to the same spell and to one of them, add a script.

Here you'd have to try what works, I haven't used anything like this before, but you could make the magic effect dispell after the target dies. Then add an 'OnEffectFinish' event to the script.
In this event, check whether the victim is dead (or possibly dying, I don't know what would work and whether it would).

Then make two new magic effects, one that resurrects a dead person and one that enrages them.
Add both of these to a new spell, and apply that spell, through the script, to the dead person.
Note that you don't give the second spell to the player. It is just there in the background.

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