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Unarmed Warfare - Cracking the Actor Values


How to create a new skill?  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you know of any way to create a new skill with...

    • The Creation Kit (please explain how)
    • Another way (please explain how)

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In case you haven't seen it on Steam Workshop or the Skyrim Nexus yet, there's a mod that I've been making called Unarmed Warfare. It adds a perk line to the One-Handed tree, lets you advance your One-Handed with unarmed (using a custom item), and makes the One-Handed perks affect unarmed attacks. Overall, I like what I've been able to do, and am grateful for the CK that Bethseda put out. I'll be the first to admit that my mod is a bit buggy, but since it's my first mod and I'm using the already-buggy CK, I've done the best that I can.


But here's the thing.... the CK does not let modders add skills. And *that* annoys me to no end. I can add perks to existing skill trees, but no new skills themselves. In fact, it's impossible to create new Actor Values at all. Techincally, you can right click and select 'New', but it doesn't really do anything. And then there's all the other options and capabilities of the CK that are missing from their previous tools, along with the general buggyness. But I'm not here to gripe about the CK...


Instead, I'm here to say that I'm going to go on a hunt. I am going to track down and find those stupid files, one way or another, and force them to bend to my will. The plan is to crack open the default Skyrim.esm archive. Once inside, I'm going to get to those files, study them, and find a way to create or edit them. Is there a chance that it will totally not work? Yes. I might find the files and create a new one, only to find that there's no way to get the CK to recognize it. I might also find that I have to edit the image (the one that you see when you're leveling up) in order to add a new skill. Any number of obstacles could stand in my way.


But, there's always a way around something. Especially with software, and especially when you have a whole ton of Nordic nerds willing to help you out. Which is where ya'll come in... I am most likely going to run into some obstacle or another. Whatever it is, I might need some help from other modders. I'm good at figuring out the code and background workings of the CK, but I have no skills with image editing, animation, and modeling, and need to work on becoming proficient with Papyrus. So, I'm going to need my fellow Skyrim modders. I need you guys to do your own messing around with the .esm, do your own cracking of the CK, and be ready to spit out ideas ad infinitum if I run into something with the .esm that I can't handle. I'm heading into unknown territory for me and most other modders. But even with a basic grasp of the workings of the game, you guys might be able to come up with ideas and tactics for cracking the Actor Values, ideas that I'd never think of.


So, I want you to start spitting out every idea you can think of to create a new skill tree. No matter how crazy or complex it is. And I want you to try it on your own, as well, if you're brave enough to try messing with the Master File. If we tackle this problem like our characters would an Elder Dragon, then by golly we modders should be able to defeat it!

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I'll help if I can, I too wish to make a new skill (and cursed Bethesda when I saw that greyed-out box in the Actor Value window). It would simplify many things for my mod. On the other hand, I don't actually know how to "crack" the Skyrim esm, so how exactly do I do that?
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You may have better luck finding the SKSE thread on the official forums and commenting on there. That's your best shot I bet.


If you want complex: Find the skill tree and rewrite it in list form (ala SkyUI). That will make all future perk-based ideas immensely more practical.


Meanwhile, I'll wait a month for you to learn Adobe Flash, Scaleform, disassembly, etc. UI modding is the one aspect of modding that I'm refusing to touch right now. I'm doing everything else: CK, scripting, modeling, texturing, even limited animation work. But decompiling flash files is quite another level of insanity.

Edited by jimhsu
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  • 2 months later...

@SlateDragon Sure! You can send me an e-mail with the file(s) and I will try to add them to the game. :-) Do you have any screenshots or pictures of them?


@All By the way, I finished part 1 of the Way of the Monk mod. Way of the Monk adds two new skills to Skyrim using new scripts rather than the vanilla system. Creating a new skill that uses the vanilla system is either impossible or would take hundreds of hours of work. Instead, I decided to use a series of scripts and global variables to create my own skill system. It could certainly use improvement, but it effectively adds two new skills. Check it out if you're interested!

Edited by Woverdude
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