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What a fizzer


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Yep, and the amount of character interaction in Skyrim is pathetic. Out of all the followers and friends you gain throughout the game, with the exception of Erandur, I never felt any kind of warmth toward any of them. I haven't met ever follower in the game yet but Erandur was the only one that felt like he had an actual personality and background. Every other NPC feels like they are just there to basically fight or trade with. Take the followers you can acquire in Fallout New Vegas for example (I am using NV as an example because the interactions and dialogue are similar.) All of the followers from NV have their own story and goals. This type of character interaction is done wonderfully in Dragon Age: Origins and Mass Effect.


I haven't played ME, but I did play DAO and I said then, this is going to spoil every other RPG unless it has the same interaction and it has. These games are I assume supposed to get you immersed in them, you experience all kinds of emotions, but in Skyrim there is no real outlet for them, except perhaps anger when you go on a killing spree.

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