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How make an actor's reference persistent?


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Well, I'm stucked in this for long time, creationwiki.com nor google help me...

I'm creating an quest with an actor and when player came near to this actor, the actor should force conversation and quest should go to a next stage (based on player's choices). But when opening this mod in CK, I get this error:

MASTERFILE: non-persistent function info reference <ID of actor's reference> in TESConditionItem parameter for qust form...

And also one or two more asociated errors about this reference and quest objectives. And the quest isn't autostarting, altough before adding the objective it was.


Objective is GetDistance, the actor is in Aliases.


My question is how I can make this reference persistent? I tried everything I found, but nothing help. :(


If needed, I can upload my mod, or deeply explain.


EDIT: well, in alias there was checked "essential" for the actor reference, and when the reference is "start disabled", no matter about "allow disabled" in alias, it will cause the error. Looks like disabled actor cannot be essential in same time. Quest is starting OK, when there are no errors or warnings for it.

Edited by WampYr
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