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Skull/Skeleton Variations


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Looking at all the skeletons in Skyrim.... they are ALL the same looking.


Sure they are Nord seletons but even draugrs have veriaty.


I mean for instance, Queen Potema, the Wolf Queen. She flipping looked like Arnold Swarzenegger's Skeleton!


Big huge brow, jaws and broad chin!




Perhaps somebody could "feminise" her skull or atleast create a veriaty of skeletons such as Orc, Khajiit, Argonian or even Elf Skulls as they are more Triangular in Skyrim when looking at the elven races now.


The Arnold Swarzenegger Skull look is so used too much.


Here are some examples for woman skulls to compare and see that I am right:

*warning - these may be disurbing for some as they depict real skulls*





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