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Morrowind MGE Distant Land and few questions


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I have a problem with I think might be distant generation. In the distance I can see different model of tree/landscape shape than the real one when I come closer to it.

https://image.prntscr.com/image/f97be6714edc4668b6fa6c86c14c5249.png (the dissapearing tree's branch)

What could be the problem? I Use Morrowind Rebirth, the only mod that changes the landscape. Rest of my mods are texture and mesh replacers. Whem I am generating distant land should I generate it with only morrowind rebirth esm checked in?


Also how can I make fog appear closer to me? I seem to have option in mge disabled. Also how to make night darker? I changed ambient colour night in ini, but the nights are still bright.

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