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[HELP] Pinpointing mod that's causing unwanted effects


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I just got through DLing a bunch of mods, mostly older favorites but a few new ones as well, and trimmed it down to less then the 255 limit. I just started up a new game and getting two effects that are very much not desirable and not sure what mod is causing it. The first thing I noticed was that I'm getting damage numbers appearing during combat, which is incredible annoying. The second thing is that when an enemy is killed they aren't leaving a body but instead they are leaving a glowing orb that I can collect and get an item from. I'm using start me up to do a non-sole survivor start and started in Concord, so the instances where the two mentioned problems are while fighting the raiders trying to kill ol' Preston. I thought the issue might have been Immersive Gameplay but I uninstalled it and still got both issues. I really have a lot of mods (especially when you add in all of the various graphic and visual changers) but will type them all out if it'll help. Just wondering if anyone knows of any mods that add either or both of those effects.

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I just got through DLing a bunch of mods, mostly older favorites but a few new ones as well, and trimmed it down to less then the 255 limit. I just started up a new game and getting two effects that are very much not desirable and not sure what mod is causing it. The first thing I noticed was that I'm getting damage numbers appearing during combat, which is incredible annoying. The second thing is that when an enemy is killed they aren't leaving a body but instead they are leaving a glowing orb that I can collect and get an item from. I'm using start me up to do a non-sole survivor start and started in Concord, so the instances where the two mentioned problems are while fighting the raiders trying to kill ol' Preston. I thought the issue might have been Immersive Gameplay but I uninstalled it and still got both issues. I really have a lot of mods (especially when you add in all of the various graphic and visual changers) but will type them all out if it'll help. Just wondering if anyone knows of any mods that add either or both of those effects.

I use a method that works for me but I cannot guarantee it will work for you. What I do is simple. Go into NMM and disable the last mod you added. Then go into the game where you are having the problem. If you still have the problem the get out of the game and disable the next to last mod. Get back into the game to see if that did the trick. If not, go back into the game and disable the next mod (you don't have to delete just disable).. Keep doing this until the problem goes away. Next step is to enable each mod except for the last one and go into the game again to see if the problem still exists. Doing this will narrow down where the problem is. It is time consuming and tedious but sometimes it is necessary. We have the finest mod creators in the world at Nexus but game code can be a harsh mistress even with the best code. Good luck.

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