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REQ: Sub-Zero from the Mortal Kombat-games as playable character


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Hello there.


For some reason I just can't get Sub-Zero out of my head (There are no dirty thoughts involved here ok :rolleyes: ) and I would whant to be able to play a character in Oblivion that resemble him as close as possible. And I am thinking on Sub-Zero's little brother Sub-Zero (?!), him with the scar on his right eye.


Since I dont know how Oblivion construction set works and have limited, close too zero ability of modding I was wondering if anyone in this wonderfull community feels like helping me out.


Here are some pics of Sub-Zero that might help, although it is not necessary that the character in Oblivion is a exact twin. I just whant the scar on the eye and some speciall abilitys.


http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/6a/Versus-1-.png http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/2d/MKASUB-ZERO.jpg


It would be nice to have his hair too :)


And if it is possible it would be cool if the ice-effect on his arms could be added or atleast look like ice:




Some off his abilitys could be:


+100% immunity against cold

-30% vulnerability against fire


Some more specs:


Race: Cryomancer-Human Hybrid


Is it just me or did I sound a little too demanding? Oh well I really hope that someone picks this up :thanks:


Oh and my english may not be 100%, but I hope that it works just fine :)

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