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Individual sheaths when dual-wielding.


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I would love to see a mod that makes you unsheathe both your weapons out when dual-wielding in two different holsters instead of just taking another offhand weapon out of no-where.


For Example:

-Both weapons are in your thigh but holstered individually.

-One sword on one thigh and the another sword to the other.

-Sheaths crossed on your characters back. etc etc...


I sometimes get really bothered on why Bethesda never thought about this. :psyduck:


I will appreciate whoever will/has make/made this kind of mod. Thanks.


P.S. Is there a way to do this in CK??

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I never thought about that before, but that would be an amazing thing to have in the game especially for immersion and should of happened before the game was released. I support this request greatly.


In real life you wouldn't just have the other weapon disappear, it would be sheathed when you put it away to grab a shield. I would like to see it where you can equip 2 weapons and a shield and when you can swap your left hand weapon for the shield or Vice Versa for left-handed people. I guess Bethesda decided that increase immersion just wasn't something their main playerbase would want, as they seemed to remove many simple things that would easily make immersion better. Hell, they even removed things like that from their previous games in Skyrim.


As for as knowing if there is a way to do this, I am at a lack of knowledge. Although I hope there is a way to implement it though.

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I never thought about that before, but that would be an amazing thing to have in the game especially for immersion and should of happened before the game was released. I support this request greatly.


In real life you wouldn't just have the other weapon disappear, it would be sheathed when you put it away to grab a shield. I would like to see it where you can equip 2 weapons and a shield and when you can swap your left hand weapon for the shield or Vice Versa for left-handed people. I guess Bethesda decided that increase immersion just wasn't something their main playerbase would want, as they seemed to remove many simple things that would easily make immersion better. Hell, they even removed things like that from their previous games in Skyrim.


As for as knowing if there is a way to do this, I am at a lack of knowledge. Although I hope there is a way to implement it though.


From what I see, Bethesda creates a great game with a little small flaws then distribute it to their audience and then encouraging them to modify the game to fix these small flaws for them by distributing the Creation Kit. In short, they want us to do their unfinished work. If you have seen their "skyRimGameJam" (They did this in a week.) then I guess it's no problem for them to do this.

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Yeah this is a great idea, aswell as this it would be good if the bow didnt dissapear from your back when you switch to swords and vice-versa. I would love to see my character fully kitted up with all his weapons!!
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