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Game keeps crashing


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Hello I'm new to this whole modding stuff. I have a bunch of mods installed and i'm not sure what is causing my game to crash. It doesn't freeze then crash, the game just shuts down. Is there any way I can find out how to fix this?

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Hi MrTheDood! I see that you got the same problem I got a few months back and I have some fixes that hopefully will help you.


Higly recommend you to install Tes5edit which can give you a message about the mods and see if there is any problems in them: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25859/?

Also to be sure to get everything right in your load order use the program loot which sorts your load order of your plugins: https://loot.github.io/

And last if you still get errors try adding the mod called "Crash Fixes" which fixed my problems with instant CTD, and now I get only 1 crash each 3 hours instead of 1 each 10 mins which is great. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72725/?


If none of these help you, your game files may be corrupt and you should do this:

Right click on Skyrim (on steam), click "Properties" and click on "Local files" and then click on "Verify integrity of game files. This will fix files which may be corrupted or files missing which makes the game crash.


Hope some of these will help you! :)

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