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Troubles using functions from other script


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Hi, folks,

im' working on my effects scripts, controlled from other script and i have troubles with function calls.


Scriptname DRWEffectsControllerScript extends ObjectReference
DRWEffectsQuestScript Property EffectQuest  Auto
DRWEffectsQuestGoreScript Property EffectGoreQuest  Auto

; This works
Function MenuContrast()
    Debug.Notification("GoreType:" + EffectGoreQuest.GetGoreType() + " Treshold:" + EffectGoreQuest.GetTreshold() + " Enabled:" + EffectGoreQuest.GetGoreEnabled())
    int selected = DRWEffectsMsgSaturation.Show(EffectQuest.EffectSetting(effectId) + 1)
    EffectQuest.ApplyEffect(effectId, EffectQuest.EffectSetting(effectId) - 1)

; This doesn't works(in the same script):
Function MenuGore()
    int selected = DRWEffectsMsgGore.Show(EffectGoreQuest.GetGoreType() + 1, EffectGoreQuest.GetTreshold() * 100)
    EffectGoreQuest.SetTreshold(EffectGoreQuest.GetTreshold() - 0.05)


The EffectGoreQuestScript itself works as espected, gore is applied and it isn't possible, goreTreshold having a value of 0.0000 or goreEnabled 0.

But GetTreshold() returns 0.0000, and GetGoreEnabled() 0 and all calls of EffectGoreQuest.SetTreshold() have no effect.


All scripts are compiled with CK with no error. Has this to do with threading? It feels like the EffectGoreQuestScript is uninitialised for DRWEffectsControllerScript.


I have no explication for that. Can anyone help me, lease? :-)




(sorry, for my bad english)

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