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Creating a Napalm Launcher, Need Help with a Couple Things

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OK, so what I need help with is figuring out how to swap the mesh of the mini nuke on the fat man model/reload to another mesh - something I don't know how to do. I've looked through the fat man nifs and tried copying a mesh to the mini nuke projectile and deleting the mini nuke, leaving the new mesh in place, didn't work. I tried editing the fat man nif to include the mesh, it appears, but the mini nuke stays. I have not tried editing the fat man load nif - I'm not sure that will do anything. It is odd because in the CK when I load the fat man nif, it shows the mini nuke loaded, but when I load the same nif in nifskope, the mini is not loaded. How do I go about replacing the mini nuke in the fat man model with another mesh?


Secondly, fire effects. More specifically, persisting flame damage on enemies and on the ground. I'm not sure how to extend fire damage to a specific time. As for fire persisting on the ground, I'm aware there are different object effects you can spawn. One I just tried was deadly fire, but nothing appeared - I tweaked autofade time to 30sec but nothing happened. Do I need to tick spawn object persists for it to appear?


Help would be appreciated.

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