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Need a bit of help plz


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Been trying to mod my Skyrim for a while now but I keep getting a CTD after picking a start with SAL (Start Another Life). Nothing out of the ordinary happens, I load up up the game and create a character. Pick a start, sleep in the bed, then go out into the world. MCM loads properly along with all my mods. I have yet to add SSME but will likely do that tomorrow.


My specs - GTX 970, i7-4790k, 16GB RAM, Windows 10 64bit


this is my current load order as well as a link to my papyrus log~ https://pastebin.com/YCNf0ykk


I use mod organizer and clean all of my mods with TESV edit as well as using loot for load order. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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