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New CBBE Armor w/Minimal Upper Body Apparel


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One of the things I miss about Oblivion armor (sometimes) is that you could mix-and-match your character's upper-and-lower body armor. Or, as some of us might prefer (though clearly not me, no never) to have no upper-body armor at all. Or, have really cool full-play or chain-mail greaves but little-to-no top.


I'd like to see some new armor out there that keeps the nether-regions covered and protected, but either ignores or is very liberal with the upper-body portion. But the "skimpy" armor collection just doesn't quite do it for me, maybe because I don't care for the skirt-like lower-body armor (???).


That'd be cool.

Edited by toastysquirrel
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I approve of this message and second this request

Of course this request is seconded! :)


In order to help illustrate what I mean by, "Minimal Upper Body Apparel", here are some examples of armor. They may not be exactly what I have in mind, in which case read the applicable commentary to grasp my intention... <<contains some nudity>>


These two images really blow quality-wise, but notice the lack of torso armor, yet the lower body armor is totally intact:








Look at this armor set, now mentally remove the chest piece.





And again, use your imagination to picture what these sets would look like without the torso armor. And without the cloaks... screw the cloaks.





This one however is perhaps a perfect example of what I mean by maintaining regular lower body armor but "minimal upper body". Someone do this. :)





There, now with a few examples to reference, perhaps some of you insanely talented modelers and modders might have a whack at it.

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