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How do I make a custom race use a custom body and textures (for that race only)?


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So, I found a custom race to my liking (one I've been searching for a long time) and I'm very happy with it, except for the body. The race doesn't come with it's own body meshes and body textures, so it uses the CBBE body and it's textures that I have installed for replacing the vanilla females. Which also means there's a texture mismatch between the head and the body (the race's head texture is Fair Skin Complexion and the CBBE body texture is SG Female Textures Renewal). Actually, this custom race mod is basicly just a female head mesh and female head textures.


What I would like to know is how to make this race use it's own body meshes and textures (I already have different body meshes and textures that I created for other custom races). I know I could make custom meshes (with BodySlide) and textures and add them to the folders of this custom race, but when I do that, nothing changes. That probably means I also have to edit the esp so that it loads/assigns those body and textures to that race.


Basicly, my question is: how do I edit a custom race's esp so it uses its own body meshes and textures? Or is there another solution?


If possible, I would like to use TES5Edit to achieve this, I don't really like to use the CK because I'm not too familiar with it and don't want to f**k anything up. But if CK is the only way, I'm willing to give it a shot.


So if someone could provide me with a step by step answer, it would be very much apreciated.


Thanks in advance.


PS: I'm not a modder, but I'm also no noob, I've been playing with mods since 2012 so I know the basics. I've also used TES5Edit, NifSkope, the Creation Kit and other tools in the past (always for small adjustments).


PPS: I've posted the same question on another site, got one answer but wasn't really elaborate/helpful (basicly directing me to the Creation Kit wiki page of how to create a custom race).

Edited by guidebo
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