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Adding Alias to all items in formlist


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How can you add alias to all items in formlis?


I'm trying really hard to avoid dynamically attaching it through the cloak loop as I already have several of them working in mod. And I don't want to attach a script to items directly because it causes conflicts with other mods.


I need a way of attaching an alias with a script (disguise script) to unspecified amount of armour paces in formlist (raider armour).



I've tried on item added but no luck here, because items in inventory are evil and can't be used outside of inventory safe functions >.<


EVENT onInit()

Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)



And maybe I'm stupid but Create Ref to Object and Find Matching Reference don't seem to work, or I use them incorrectly. If somebody knows how to do it please help.


- EDIT -


RegisterForRemoteEvent did not help


- EDIT 2 -


If somebody has any idea please write to me. For now I'll just have to use a workaround. And by that I mean an examine activation option added by perk floating above items in formlist.

Edited by Syngrith
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