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2 fo3edit modding questions


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hi, I got two questions about modding with FO3edit, maybe someone can help me.


#1 The Iguana footsteps from MMM are to loud, so i wanted to check for the problem. I checked the files but with no success. the problem is that the Iguanas from MMM play the standard molerat soundfiles. the question is, why? Picture1 I attached shows that the iguanas use "Audio TemplateIguana" which leads to the "IguanaFootLeft" sound which directs to "fx\mmmf3\fnniguana\iguana\foot\left\". There are the soundfiles i want to play. But its always played "fx\npc\molerat\foot\left\". Why? there is no other override.


#2 modding a perk. the situation in picture 2 i attached. is the Effect form fallout3.esm overwritten or are now both actions used. if so, how do i delete the action from fallout3.esm? Copy the action and set value to 1.00?


would be nice if someone could help me out, tia wrdaniel

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